Building Relationships

Some will hate everything about you

Some will hate everything about you

You can’t make a 100% of the people like you a 100% of the time. You can’t even make 1%. smile emoticon
Don’t waste your time & energy listening to people who are criticizing you, judging you or putting you down. I learned people like that always find something wrong no matter what. They can’t seem to find anything positive to say about anyone or anything. They are negative because they are negative people addicted to negativity. These people are not happy, so don’t allow them to steal your happiness. Surround yourself with people who are happy and positive! ~ Nikka Rose 
Don’t ever change for no one! Be yourself! People should except you for who you are not for who they want you to be! If you’re happy with yourself the way you are then please don’t change cause you’re the best person you can be! If others don’t like you the way you are and can’t accept you the way you are then they’re really not a friend to begin with so just be you! ~ Penny Needham 

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