
The way someone leaves you

The way someone leaves you

Sometimes, when things change quickly between people, one is left wondering how the other one seems so ‘nonchalant’. People deal with things differently at different times. It’s important to remember that what people say and do is a reflection of them, of what they think and feel, not of you. ~ Jacob Trevethyen 

It’s sad but what we need to bear in mind is our love for that person. They are doing what they feel is best for them and, as we love them, we are happy for them deep down. The surface upset is just that, on the surface. Focus on the love, nothing else matters. ~ Jacob Trevethyen 

We can never understand people, but if someone hurts you it’s better to leave and move on, but the worse is when someone you really love cheats you or when they leave without to say a word then you realize that you wasn’t so important to that person, it’s painful & really hurtful. ~ Dounia Aberkan 

When your past calls, don’t answer. It has nothing new to say.

When you love and trust someone you live with and he just simply dumps you for someone else and then doesn’t understand why you are so hurt. ~ Julie Williams

You learn so much more about a person at the end of a relationship than at the beginning.

I got left with no explanation just dead silence. So letting go makes me the stronger person. I can live with myself hold my head high, keep smiling. I deserve so much more everything happens for a reason. ~ Sandy Campbell 

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