Life’s Beautiful

You are part of a puzzle in someone’s life

You are part of a puzzle in someone's life

Looks like someone has stopped finishing his puzzle or misplaced my piece. So, it’s better I start my own puzzle. ~ Angelika Morea 
If you stay with them you may feel alone and like you don’t fit in, but they will be happy.
I am puzzle in someone’s life and every life can be stopped without me. ~ Amar Kumar 
Some people kind of forget that they even have a puzzle. They are seemingly unaware if someone is missing or not. That is how we become lost to their lives sometimes. It is not always rainbows, butterflies & unicorns out there. ~ Fran Leavitt 
I know exactly where she fits with me, right next to me forever. No question when you connect and think and see the world the same and love each other you must walk with the hand that feels good. You can’t waste this life another one can’t be bought you need to be with me and I with you end of story. Love is a powerful thing can’t find it every day. I love you! ~ Barry Wallach 
Marriage completes the circle and Is forever and then you know exactly where you stand equal with the person I love work always respect for her always respect for her. ~ Barry Wallach
If someone doesn’t respect or love you as equally or whole hearted they were never meant to be in your puzzle. They’re just there to help you learn which ones don’t fit so you don’t try them again! ~ Mistah Haza

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