Broken Hearts

The saddest thing in Life

The saddest thing in Life


Sometimes that smile from a stranger can make anyone’s day that much brighter.

If you knew somebody was so broken, would you even care? Would you know what to do, or what to say to comfort them? Could you feel their pain? For everyone’s own comfort, they would rather not know, and they would rather you not tell them that you are. Kindness and empathy seems to be so lacking among us. A smile, a compliment, and kindness towards a stranger, just once every day, could make the difference in how someone else feels about themselves at that moment. ~ Linda O’Donnell 

 Most of the time people do not want to know and if they already know they could really care less. This is sad but very true. I am a very compassionate person and I really do care about people and want to help them if I can. I know some people see this as a fault but I see it as a blessing from God. It cost be nothing to be kind and I feel a lot better when I lay down at night. We should all treat others as we want to be treated. What have you got to lose, you may be the only person that person sees all day and I would like to think that I helped them, even if it’s only a kind word and a smile. God is good! ~ Lynne Petty

When I go out anywhere I try to find people who need help and talk to them because they are worthy and not invisible and give them some money, their responses could break your heart. It’s amazing how good I feel all day. Doing this it makes me so happy to connect with them and see them smile and feel good about themselves. Try it! It’s best medicine and no side effects! ~ Audrey Tepper 

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