Life’s Beautiful

Single isn’t a status

I haven’t had a relationship in over 13 years. I miss the thought of a man, but I don’t miss the cheating, lying and heartache that goes along with having a man in my life. I am so much happier alone. ~ Alicia Wagner 

I haven’t in a relationship for four years and it was sort of hard because I missed what it’s like to have a boyfriend who will hold my bag, a arms around my waist and shoulder and a fight text and make up-those things I missed but then I realized how stressful it is. so I stay single and realized how carefree I am, it’s actually a choice and loving your own company without depending to anyone. ~ Gem De Guzman 

There’s nothing wrong being single. I means you like to enjoy things more on your own for a while and you’re not yet ready to commit. Don’t go into a relationship just because you’re lonely. Being single can be lonely and you can feel a little bit jelly at times because you don’t have to cuddle with at night or any time of the day but don’t go through a relationship just because you’re lonely. Choosing to be single is not a bad idea. I’m single but not available doesn’t mean I’m waiting for someone. Not available because I don’t feel like I’m ready to be with someone. ~ Zoe Benson 


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